Results for 'Ulrich A. Schöndorfer'

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  1.  2
    Denken und Erziehen: Beiträge zur Leibniz-Forschung; Erziehungsprobleme der Gegenwart; Festschrift für Ulrich Schöndorfer, überreicht zum 70. Geburtstag vom Präsidium der Wiener Katholischen Akademie.Ulrich A. Schöndorfer & Wiener Katholische Akademie (eds.) - 1971 - Wien,: Präsidium d. Wr. Kath. Akad..
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    Pergunta pelo outro O outro na filosofia de Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger E Levinas.Ulrich A. Müller - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (2):311-325.
    Este texto trata da questão da percepçãodo "outro" no pensamento de Hegel,Husserl, Heidegger e Levinfü!, evidenciando osparadoxos que surgem quando a razão imanentepretende 11propriar -se da questão e realçando astei;isões presentes na própria questão, sugerindodimensões alternativas da racionalidade para aabordagem do problema.
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    Wege und Aufgaben der Philosophie der Gegenwart.Ulrich A. Schöndorfer - 1947 - Wien,: Amandus-Edition.
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    Philosophie der Materie.Ulrich A. Schöndorfer - 1954 - Graz,: Verlag Styria.
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    A longitudinal survey of business school graduates' assessments of business ethics.Peter Arlow & Thomas A. Ulrich - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (4):295 - 302.
    A longitudinal survey of business graduates over a four-year period revealed stability over time in their assessments of proposals to improve business ethics except for significantly greater disapproval of government regulation. A comparison of graduates and executives indicate both favor developing general ethical business principles, business ethics courses, and codes of ethics, while disapproving government regulation and participation by religious leaders in ethical norms for business. The mean rankings by business graduates over time of factors influencing ethical conduct show significant (...)
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    Ethical Challenges Experienced by Clinical Ethicists during COVID-19.Connie M. Ulrich, Janet A. Deatrick, Jesse Wool, Liming Huang, Nancy Berlinger & Christine Grady - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (1):1-14.
    Background The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt every society as SARs-CoV-2 variants surge among the populations. Health care providers are exhausted, becoming ill themselves, and in some instances have died. Indeed, hospitals are struggling to find staff to care for critically ill patients most in need. Previous work has reported on the unending work-related conditions that hospital staff are laboring under and their subsequent mental and physical health strains. Health care providers need support, but it is not clear where that (...)
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    Interdisciplinary Interconnections in Synthetic Biology.Ulrich Krohs & Mark A. Bedau - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (4):313-317.
  8. Understanding German Consumers’ Intention to Adopt COVID-19 Infection Prevention Measures: A Moral Decoupling Perspective.Rebekka A. Böhm & Ulrich R. Orth - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (4):988-1029.
    Getting consumers to adopt infection prevention measures is important for society to overcome the coronavirus pandemic. This research adopts a moral decoupling perspective to examine how consumers in Germany respond to perceived transgressions of COVID-19 infection prevention regulations. Focusing on two nonpharmaceutical measures (mask wearing, social distancing) as well as a pharmaceutical one (vaccination), two empirical studies indicate that transgression relevance influences intention to adopt the measure (in parallel) through judgment of performance and judgment of morality. Type of transgression moderates (...)
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  9. Toward a New Critical Theory with a Cosmopolitan Intent.Ulrich Beck - 2003 - Constellations 10 (4):453-468.
    In this article I want to outline an argument for a New Critical Theory with a cosmopolitan intent. Its main purpose is to undermine one of the most powerful beliefs of our time concerning society and politics. This belief is the notion that “modern society” and “modern politics” are to be understood as society and politics organized around the nation‐state, equating society with the national imagination of society. There are two aspects to this body of beliefs: what I call the (...)
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    Ethical frameworks for surrogates’ end-of-life planning experiences.Hyejin Kim, Janet A. Deatrick & Connie M. Ulrich - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (1):46-69.
    Background: Despite the growing body of knowledge about surrogate decision making, we know very little about the use of ethical frameworks (including ethical theories, principles, and concepts) to understand surrogates’ day-to-day experiences in end-of-life care planning for incapacitated adults. Objectives and Methods: This qualitative systematic review was conducted to identify the types of ethical frameworks used to address surrogates’ experiences in end-of-life care planning for incapacitated adults as well as the most common themes or patterns found in surrogate decision-making research. (...)
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  11. Critical heuristics of social planning: a new approach to practical philosophy.Werner Ulrich - 1983 - New York: J. Wiley & Sons.
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    A New Approach to Comparative Philosophy through Ulrich Libbrecht's Comparative ModelInleiding Comparatieve Filosofie: Opzet en ontwikkeling van een comparatief model . Volume 1.Bruno Nagel & Ulrich Libbrecht - 1997 - Philosophy East and West 47 (1):75.
  13.  28
    Evaluating nurse understanding and participation in the informed consent process.Sydney A. Axson, Nicholas A. Giordano, Robin M. Hermann & Connie M. Ulrich - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1050-1061.
    Background: Informed consent is fundamental to the autonomous decision-making of patients, yet much is still unknown about the process in the clinical setting. In an evolving healthcare landscape, nurses must be prepared to address patient understanding and participate in the informed consent process to better fulfill their well-established role as patient advocates. Research objective: This study examines hospital-based nurses’ experiences and understandings of the informed consent process. Research design: This qualitative descriptive study utilized a semi-structured interview approach identifying thematic concerns, (...)
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    Automatic Facial Coding Versus Electromyography of mimicked, passive, and inhibited facial response to emotional faces.T. Tim A. Höfling, Georg W. Alpers, Antje B. M. Gerdes & Ulrich Föhl - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-16.
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    Read My Face: Automatic Facial Coding Versus Psychophysiological Indicators of Emotional Valence and Arousal.T. Tim A. Höfling, Antje B. M. Gerdes, Ulrich Föhl & Georg W. Alpers - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  16. Authors' Response: Interaction: A Core Hypothesis of Radical Constructivist Epistemology.E. S. Tillema, A. J. Hackenberg, C. Ulrich & A. Norton - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):354-359.
    Upshot: In reading the commentaries, we were struck by the fact that all of them were in some capacity related to what we consider a core principle of radical constructivism - interaction. We characterize interaction from a radical constructivist perspective, and then discuss how the authors of the commentaries address one kind of interaction.
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    Carl Schmitt and the Weimar Constitution.Ulrich K. Preuß - 2016 - In Jens Meierhenrich & Oliver Simons (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter explores Carl Schmitt’s response as a political, legal, and constitutional theorist to the permanent crisis of the Weimar Republic during its short-lived existence between 1919 and 1933. On the foundation of his conceptual edifice, it shows why Schmitt came to the conclusion that the Weimar Constitution did not provide an appropriate political system for the German people in their “natural” form. While the founders of Weimar sought to protect the polity’s diversity and contradictions, Schmitt regarded their constitution as (...)
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    Integrative economic ethics: foundations of a civilized market economy.Peter Ulrich - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Morality and economic rationality: integrative economic ethics as the rational ethics of economic activity; Part II. Reflections on the Foundations of Economic ...
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    The Effect of Education on Physicians’ Knowledge of a Laboratory Test: The Case of Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening.Neil A. Holtzman, Ruth R. Faden, Claire O. Leonard, Gary A. Chase & S. R. Ulrich - 1991 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 2 (4):243-247.
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  20. Constructivist Model Building: Empirical Examples From Mathematics Education.C. Ulrich, E. S. Tillema, A. J. Hackenberg & A. Norton - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):328-339.
    Context: This paper outlines how radical constructivist theory has led to a particular methodological technique, developing second-order models of student thinking, that has helped mathematics educators to be more effective teachers of their students. Problem: The paper addresses the problem of how radical constructivist theory has been used to explain and engender more viable adaptations to the complexities of teaching and learning. Method: The paper presents empirical data from teaching experiments that illustrate the process of second-order model building. Results: The (...)
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  21.  49
    A third concept of freedom of the will.Ulrich Steinvorth - manuscript
  22. Functions as based on a concept of general design.Ulrich Krohs - 2009 - Synthese 166 (1):69-89.
    Looking for an adequate explication of the concept of a biological function, several authors have proposed to link function to design. Unfortunately, known explications of biological design in turn refer to functions. The concept of general design I will introduce here breaks up this circle. I specify design with respect to its ontogenetic role. This allows function to be based on design without making reference to the history of the design, or to the phylogeny of an organism, while retaining the (...)
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    A primer on information and influence in animal communication.Ulrich Stegmann - unknown
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  24. Critical theory of world risk society: A cosmopolitan vision.Ulrich Beck - 2009 - Constellations 16 (1):3-22.
  25. Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity.Ulrich Beck, Mark Ritter & Jennifer Brown - 1993 - Environmental Values 2 (4):367-368.
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  26. Deliberative Exchange, Truth, and Cognitive Division of Labour: A Low-Resolution Modeling Approach.Ulrich Krause & Rainer Hegselmann - 2009 - Episteme 6 (2):130-144.
    This paper develops a formal framework to model a process in which the formation of individual opinions is embedded in a deliberative exchange with others. The paper opts for a low-resolution modeling approach and abstracts away from most of the details of the social-epistemic process. Taking a bird's eye view allows us to analyze the chances for the truth to be found and broadly accepted under conditions of cognitive division of labour combined with a social exchange process. Cognitive division of (...)
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  27. A consumer‐based teleosemantics for animal signals.Ulrich E. Stegmann - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):864-875.
    Ethological theory standardly attributes representational content to animal signals. In this article I first assess whether Ruth Millikan’s teleosemantic theory accounts for the content of animal signals. I conclude that it does not, because many signals do not exhibit the required sort of cooperation between signal‐producing and signal‐consuming devices. It is then argued that Kim Sterelny’s proposal, while not requiring cooperation, sometimes yields the wrong content. Finally, I outline an alternative view, according to which consumers alone are responsible for conferring (...)
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    Spiele und Spielzeug im antiken PalästinaSpiele und Spielzeug im antiken Palastina.Samuel A. Meier, Ulrich Hübner & Ulrich Hubner - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):534.
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    World Risk Society.Ulrich Beck - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 495–499.
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    Goals of action and emotional reasons for action. A modern version of the theory of ultimate psychological hedonism.Ulrich Mees & Annette Schmitt - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (2):157–178.
    In this paper we present a modern version of the classic theory of “ultimate psychological hedonism” . As does the UPH, our two-dimensional model of metatelic orientations also postulates a fundamentally hedonistic motivation for any human action. However, it makes a distinction between “telic” or content-based goals of actions and “metatelic” or emotional reasons for actions. In our view, only the emotional reasons for action, but not the goals of action, conform to the UPH. After outlining our model, we will (...)
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    A priori measurable worlds.Ulrich Krohs - unknown
    Part of the scientific enterprise is to measure the material world and to explain its dynamics by means of models. However, not only is measurability of the world limited, analyzability of models is so, too. Most often, computer simulations offer a way out of this epistemic bottleneck. They instantiate the model and may help to analyze it. In relation to the material world a simulation may be regarded as a kind of a “non-material scale model”. Like any other scale model, (...)
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    A note on Spector's quantifier-free rule of extensionality.Ulrich Kohlenbach - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (2):89-92.
    In this note we show that the so-called weakly extensional arithmetic in all finite types, which is based on a quantifier-free rule of extensionality due to C. Spector and which is of significance in the context of Gödel"s functional interpretation, does not satisfy the deduction theorem for additional axioms. This holds already for Π0 1-axioms. Previously, only the failure of the stronger deduction theorem for deductions from (possibly open) assumptions (with parameters kept fixed) was known.
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    I. Marx's analysis of commodity exchange—a reply to Carver.Ulrich Steinvorth - 1976 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 19 (1-4):99 – 108.
    Carver's interpretation of Marx's value theory (Terrell Carver, ?Marx's Commodity Fetishism?, Inquiry, Vol. 18 [1975]) is accepted, but his rejection of it criticized by explicating the reasons Marx gives for his theory after his faulty analysis of exchange-value at the very beginning of Capital. The central concept of abstract labour is shown to relate commodity exchange to other forms of distribution; by being compared to these the function of commodity exchange is recognized as the attachment of an amount of abstract (...)
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    A note on Goodman's theorem.Ulrich Kohlenbach - 1999 - Studia Logica 63 (1):1-5.
    Goodman's theorem states that intuitionistic arithmetic in all finite types plus full choice, HA + AC, is conservative over first-order intuitionistic arithmetic HA. We show that this result does not extend to various subsystems of HA, HA with restricted induction.
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  35. The Future of the Present.Ulrich Meyer - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89:463-478.
    Some theories of time entail that the present can change before or after it has happened. Examples include views on which time-travelers can change the past, the glowing block theory, Peter Geach’s mutable future view, and the moving spotlight theory. This paper argues that such ante factum or posthumous change requires a heterodox “split time” view on which earlier-than is not the converse of later-than.
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    A Plea for Naturalistic Metaphysics: Why Analytic Metaphysics is Not Enough.Ulrich Steinvorth - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    In this small book, Ulrich Steinvorth describes the reasons why analytic philosophy, which started as an anti-metaphysical project, has become a strong advocate of metaphysics, and why it must become synthetic, normative, and naturalistic. Steinvorth argues that self-regulation is the common property of all being, that we can talk of an increase or escalation of self-regulation in the evolution of being, and that self-regulation becomes self-determination in man. Considering objections to this view related to questions of free will, consciousness, (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Matthew 8–20: A Commentary.Ulrich Luz - 2001
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  38. A Lamb to the Slaughter.Ulrich Simon - 1983 - In Francis Bridger (ed.), The Cross and the bomb: Christian ethics and the nuclear debate. London: Mowbray.
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    On Creativity: A brainstorming session.Ulrich Bröckling - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (4):513-521.
    The article problematizes in aphoristic condensation the heterogeneous concepts of creativity in philosophy, psychology and sociology and outlines their paradoxes. Creativity in these concepts is tied to the human potential to bring into being something new and to the capacity of drawing differences. In its contingency, creativity is ambivalent to a high degree—at one and the same time a desirable resource and a threatening potential. So on the one hand, creativity is meant to be mobilized and set free; on the (...)
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  40. How Digital Computer Simulations Explain Real‐World Processes.Ulrich Krohs - 2008 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22 (3):277 – 292.
    Scientists of many disciplines use theoretical models to explain and predict the dynamics of the world. They often have to rely on digital computer simulations to draw predictions fromthe model. But to deliver phenomenologically adequate results, simulations deviate from the assumptions of the theoretical model. Therefore the role of simulations in scientific explanation demands itself an explanation. This paper analyzes the relation between real-world system, theoretical model, and simulation. It is argued that simulations do not explain processes in the real (...)
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  41. A willow drawing from 1786: the earliest depiction of intraspecific trait variation in plants?Ulrich Stegmann - 2021 - Annals of Botany 127 (4):411-412.
    Background and Aims The study of intraspecific trait variation (ITV) in plants has a long history, dating back to the fourth century BC. Its existence was widely acknowledged by the end of the 18th century, although systematic and experimental studies commenced only a century later. However, the historiography of ITV has many gaps, especially with regard to early observations and visual documents. This note identifies an early depiction of plant ITV. -/- Methods The botanical works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (...)
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  42. The conceptual basis of a biological dispute about the temporal order of evolutionary events.Ulrich Krohs - 2005 - In Friedrich Stadler & Michael Stölzner (eds.), Time and History. Papers of the 28th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Österr. Ludwig-Wittgenstein-Gesellschaft.
    occurs first. The biological debate is conducted largely on a theoretical level. In this paper, I undertake to locate
    the reason for the difference in temporal ordering. The question is whether the difference depends on alternative
    interpretations of empirical data, on differing views about evolutionary mechanisms, or on different conceptual
    frameworks. It will turn out that the latter is the case and that discerning two different notions of novelty solves
    the apparent contradiction. Both concepts may apply to different cases in evolution. To settle the (...)
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  43.  13
    Transfigured not conformed: Christian ethics in a hermeneutic key.Hans Günter Ulrich - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Brian Brock.
    The moral theology of Hans G. Ulrich is presented here in English for the first time. These collected essays represent the culmination of a lifetime of reflection on Christian living from this German theologian in conversation with Luther, Bonhoeffer, and contemporary philosophers and theologians. Ulrich's ethics affirms the lively presence of the living work of God in orienting the daily life of Christians. This presence enables members of the Church to live as creatures trusting in God's promises, bearing (...)
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    Philosophy-- a myth?: and other metaphysical stories.Ulrich Verster - 1992 - Oxford: Academic Publications.
    philosophical reasoning, arguments
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    A new approach to enquiring into patterns of religious observance and other issues.Ulrich Nembach - 1991 - Communications 16 (1):105-112.
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    A Companion to the Catholic Enlightenment in Europe.Ulrich L. Lehner & Michael O'Neill Printy (eds.) - 2010 - Brill.
    This book present the first comprehensive overview of the Catholic Enlightenment in Europe by a group of leading international scholars.
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    A Plea for Naturalism in Ethics.Ulrich Steinvorth - 1983 - der 16. Weltkongress Für Philosophie 2:1274-1281.
    The paper reformulates empirical naturalism by 4 theses, points out a Popperian trend to its resuscitation, argues for its central thesis by rejecting formal objections that the good cannot be defined by any, any descriptive, or any empirical, concept, and material objections that the good is something different from happiness, esp, that it is justice, and conjectures about a motive for rejecting naturalism.
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  48. (2 other versions)Generic features of evolution and its continuity: A transdisciplinary perspective.Ulrich Witt - 2003 - Theoria 18 (3):273-288.
    Because of the intellectual attraction of the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, its conccpts are often borrowed to conceptualized evolutionary change also in non-biological domains. However, a heuristic strategy like that is problematic. An attempt is therefore made to identify generic features of evolution which transcend domain-specific characteristics. Epistemological, conccptual, and methodological implications are discussed, and the ontological question is raised how non-biological evolutionary theories can be accommodated within the Darwinian world view of modern sciences.
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    The Logic of Necessity in Aristotle--an Outline of Approaches to the Modal Syllogistic, Together with a General Account of de dicto - and de re -Necessity.Ulrich Nortmann - 2002 - History and Philosophy of Logic 23 (4):253-265.
    This article investigates the prospect of giving de dicto- and de re-necessity a uniform treatment. The historical starting point is a puzzle raised by Aristotle's claim, advanced in one of the modal chapters of his Prior Analytics, that universally privative apodeictic premises simply convert. As regards the Prior and the Posterior Analytics, the data suggest a representation of propositions of the type in question by doubly modally qualified formulae of modal predicate logic that display a necessity operator in two distinct (...)
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    A study of Luke 10 in context.Ulrich Busse - 2005 - HTS Theological Studies 61 (1/2).
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